A large part of the world's countries have met with social media after they started to use the internet. With social media, which gives a new meaning to communication, sharing all kinds of information and data has become faster and easier than ever before. But this has also created a force that is difficult to control. It should be accepted that social media, which has gained such a place in the life of the society in a period of only 15-20 years, brings with it various abuses. Although these platforms provide various data sharing and news opportunities, they cause problems such as the presentation of unconfirmed information, the fact that unfounded information sharing is seen and shared by many users, and as a result, the public order is disturbed. The most current and concrete example of this is the disinformation on the internet during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this difficult process, unfounded news emerged that the institutions did not take measures, fake profiles were opened, posts were made using unrealistic images and voices from anonymous accounts, and various social media platforms were used very frequently to cause anxiety and panic among the public. Even the mere situation shows the need for various regulations to prevent information pollution on the internet.

With this study, it is aimed to see the actions of the world countries on this issue by examining the regulations in the comparative law on the problem of unfounded information sharing / disinformation on the internet and to contribute to the solution of similar problems in Turkey. While doing this, first of all, the concept of disinformation in social media has been examined, and recent legal regulations in comparative law have been included. The research has shown that many countries, including European countries, which are known to attach importance to freedom of expression, especially in the last 2 years, have introduced new and strict legal regulations to prevent disinformation, taking into account their socio-cultural and political needs. In the conclusion part of our study, a suggestion was made in this direction.

The rapid increase in internet usage all over the world since the beginning of the 2000s has made it possible for almost every household to have access to the internet. According to the research reports published by We are Social and Hootsuit companies in 2019, 56% of the world's population are internet users and 45% are social media users. 63% of them are social media users. When these statistics are examined; It is not difficult to understand that disinformation can reach a different dimension every day. Because in a virtual environment, millions of people are circulating on social media with anonymous-fake accounts, and they can share whatever they want without being subject to controls. For this, it is necessary to have access to the Internet. While it was not possible to share and spread information so fast 20 years ago, currently all kinds of information reach millions instantly.

Some websites are set up for the purpose of parody, advertising or fake news. It is known that malicious people or groups, which are already called "trolls" on social media, dedicate themselves to this work. In other words, there are many people who work only to produce fake news and pictures and to mislead and mislead people on social networks(!). Even having this knowledge alone is the answer to the question, "Why shouldn't we believe every piece of information on the internet?" enough to answer the question.